The fashion industry is one of the most polluting and exploitative industries, and that’s just the tip of the unethical iceberg. Welcome to our world.
Image by Marcus Hollands
Welcome to A.BCH World.
Courtney Holm
Consider this a hello. A welcome. A nice hug. A fist bump amongst friends. A.BCH World is the place for us to dream, educate, learn, share, inspire, rant and more. You’ll find out all the extra things you might want to know within our living breathing community right here. Each week will hold something new, because this industry is complicated and so are the solutions — so we will make it as easy as possible. Sometimes we’ll share new products. Sometimes we’ll get deep. Sometimes we’ll share ideas about how to better live in this world as a clothed human. Some things you might find on our blog in the future are opinion pieces, educational pieces, full disclosure Q&A, video tutorials, info on events, shared resources, guest blogger posts.
Thanks A.BCH community! If you want to join us for all of the above + more, simply sign up here and we will keep you in the know. Questions about how we store your information? We get it. So check out our privacy policy to learn more.