A.BCH and Fashion Revolution- what a (re)pair.
Image by Ewan Kingsbury
Courtney Holm
The Fashion Revolution fortnight is now a wrap for 2017. It's been incredible. Never have I seen so much talk about it on social media and IRL not to mention, people responding in spades. A majority of those have been truly inspiring, from first time revelations to seasoned revolutionaries, it’s invigorating to see the movement gain this kind of momentum.
So what does Fashion Revolution mean to me, and why is it an ongoing plight for A.BCH? Well, for starters, this business has been created to address the very issues Fashion Revolution is encouraging brands and consumers to address. I feel personally responsible within this industry, that I am the one who can change it. You are the one who can change it, too. It's more than I can bear to be a part of it all, unless I can somehow bring the prevailing injustices to light and encourage positive (and totally achievable) progress. I (we) consider our business as one within a circular economy- you can read more about how that practically works here - A.BCH Circular Design. The main idea is that we don’t need so much stuff, and the stuff we do have, can last a lot longer than most of us will allow.
That’s why two weeks ago (coinciding with FashRev) we held our very first, coolest, fun-time workshop and put our money where our mouth is. Policies and nice codes of conduct are all very good and well, but we want MORE. So, the A.BCH team was incredibly honoured to host 27 switched on individuals (you guys!), who came along to our Care Repair Wear workshop in Melbourne. Here we taught the dying skills of how to mend ones clothes for another go.
Our fabulous guests entered with their broken down wardrobe favs, be it a jacket with a missing button, holey sweaters or worn down motorcycle jeans. They left with fixed goods. A.BCH was not alone in pulling off this feat, we were joined by the generous Green Collective’s Jacquie, Esther Kirwan from Theo the Label and Warren Harrison from Scott Benedictine. This killer team and our guests did a fabulous job at resurrecting the fibrous dead and most mends were completed in under 20 minutes!
It was inspiring to hear the thoughtful audience questions as to how they could make their investment pieces last longer via care and laundering techniques.
Overall it was an extremely positive and successful day, made merry with beers and bubbles, and of course, you- Fashion Revolutionary! To Fashion Revolution, we salute you, for all your hard work around the world. Remember, Fashion Revolution isn't merely a fortnight of activism. The Fashion Revolution is eternally relevant.
What kind of workshops would you like to see us host in the future? Get in touch at hello@abch.world and tell us what you desire. In the meantime, we will be cooking up some new events and we’d love to keep you in the loop. Sign up to the A.BCH Community below, and you’ll be the first to know.
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