An inevitable price increase, some time to shop at the lower price + a love letter from our founder. Reverse Sale is on until March 1 2022.
Image by Courtney Holm
Courtney Holm
Since we launched in 2017, we've tried our best to keep our price tags tight - keeping our price points closer to that of wholesale and rather than adding a bunch of markups for retailing, we made the same prices for everyone.
Things have become increasingly costly, from operating our own factory here in West Melbourne rather than outsourcing to countries that offer significantly lower labour costs, to rising prices in raw materials like organic cotton and linen (hello resource scarcity) and to the trippling cost of freight in the past two years.
The uncomfortable truth is, we must raise our prices in order to continue serving you with ethically made, circular fashion. But I want you to know that we do not do so lightly. It's been months in the making, behind the scenes discussions, number crunching and even some sleepless nights. The reason for this painstaking decision making is that we've always wanted A.BCH to be accessible for more people than not. It turns out that's increasingly challenging to do in a sustainable way especially when your prices are compared to mega brands and companies that chase the cheapest needle - regardless of the human cost. We cannot compromise on our imperative to manufacture in an ethical way and to ensure our makers, who are skilled craftspeople, are paid living wages.
We still stand by our commitment to not price people out of making a difference and are committed to finding more ways to maintain this. This year we launched our second (and definitely not the last) Perfectly Imperfect sale, and will continue these as stocks allow. We're also committed to supporting community resale of our pieces, for high quality and pre-loved A.BCH and have some exciting announcements around that coming soon.
Even with our price increases, our clothing will continue to be priced fairly. We are committed to being open and honest with you, our dear customers. I encourage you to reach out to me with any questions or thoughts you might have and as always, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support for us as people and our business model.
So without further ado, I'd like to officially announce our price increase. But given that many of you think so deeply before you purchase (I love this about you) we wanted to give you some notice – enter the Reverse Sale. Our prices will be going up on March 1st. So if there's something you've been eyeing off, here's the opportunity to buy it at the current lower price.
Happy (responsible) shopping and thank you again.
With love and gratitude,
Courtney + Camilla, Nathaniel, Michelle, Lily, Simone, Erina