Want to give your clothes a fresh start? For every A.BCH order placed this Black Friday, we’ll cover the cost to over-dye a piece of clothing already in your wardrobe.

Image by Black Fri-Dye - a project by Citizen Wolf


Black Fri-Dye
Courtney Holm

We know that on average, people purchase far too many clothing items. 68 clothing items per year in fact. Australians are the second highest consumers of clothing after Americans, so we have some work to do. But there are solutions, including keeping our clothes in our wardrobes and in use for longer.

This year, and every year, we decide not to discount our products for black friday. There's a few reasons for this, including the fact that we don't need to sell through old stock and our prices are marked fairly from the beginning. In 2021 we introduced some other ways we can provide better access to our pieces, through Resale and Perfectly Imperfect sales. Deep dive on our pricing here.

But rather than sit saltily in the corner, we're teaming up with our mates across the state line, Citizen Wolf, who every black friday, gather up people's clothes that might need a little refresh and overdye them black in a batch. Less shopping, less waste, fresh black clothes, win-win!

That's why for all orders on 26/11/21, we'll be shouting you enough dye credits to overdye a garment you already own – A.BCH or otherwise. It's automatic on all Aussie* orders, simply place your order with us, and we'll email you a code + instructions on how to get your garment dyed with Black Fri-Dye this year.

*Unfortunately at this time, Black Fri-Dye is only available in Australia.

Hit us up with your thoughts + shop responsibly! Check out more from Black Fri-Dye here.


A.BCH Shop Black circular clothing